Resources and Reporting Options for Discrimination or Harassment

The University prohibits discrimination, including harassment, and retaliation against those who report discrimination (or engage in other protected activity), on the basis of any protected category.  

Reports of discrimination, harassment, or discriminatory retaliation may be filed directly through UCR's online reporting form   .  Note that reports may be made anonymously. Or you may contact the resources below:
For all community members:
UCR Office of Civil Rights For people to report violations of the UC Anti-Discrimination Policy or Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
UCR Office of the Ombuds For confidential guidance and information
UC Riverside Police Department For hate crimes and other criminal acts

For Academic Employees and Staff Members:
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program Offers confidential counseling, referral and other needed services to staff, faculty, and their family members on a wide range of personnel concerns

To learn more about discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, including applicable policies and complaint resolution options, visit the Office of Civil Rights website.