Sexual Assault Resources

Reports of sexual violence (including sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking) and other conduct prohibited by the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment may be filed directly through UCR's online reporting form   .  Note that reports may be made anonymously. Or you may contact the resources below:
For all community members:
CARE Office CARE Advocates offer confidential resources for those impacted by sexual violence, including sexual assault, domestic/dating violence and stalking. CARE advocates offer crisis intervention, safety planning, case management, accompaniments and can assist with accommodations and referrals.
Office of Civil Rights Responsible for resolving complaints of discrimination and harassment including sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. Coordinates supportive measures for people affected by sexual violence or harassment.
UC Riverside Police Department

Other Resources The Office of Civil Rights website and the CARE website each have additional lists of on and off-campus resources.


For Academic Employees and Staff Members:


Faculty and Staff Assistance Program Offers confidential counseling, referral and other needed services to staff, faculty, and their family members on a wide range of personnel concerns